Farouk Abdel-Muhti at demo
Thursday, July 21st is the anniversary of Farouk Abdel-Muhti's sudden death last year just 100 days after the government was finally forced to release him from immigration detention. Please join us if you can as we remember Farouk and rededicate ourselves to the struggle he lived for.
On Thursday, July 21st, Tarek Abdel-Muhti, Farouk's son, and his fiance and friend Sharin Chiorazzo will appear on Pacifica's "Democracy Now!" as part of a segment commemorating the life and work of Farouk Abdel-Muhti. The segment will include clips of prior interviews--Farouk's work at WBAI, "Democracy Now!" interviews, and clips from Konrad Aderer's video, "Farouk Abdel-Muhti, Political Prisoner."
You can hear "Democray Now!" in the New York area from 9 to 10 am on WBAI, 99.5fm. Go to http://democracynow.org to find radio or television outlets in your area. The program is also webcast live from 8 to 9 am every day at the website, and an audio archive and a transcript are available later in the day.
On Friday, July 22nd, at 12 noon, they will be holding a brief vigil for Farouk in front of the Federal Building in New York, at 26 Federal Plaza, on Broadway between Duane and Worth Streets--the time and place of the vigils every week during Farouk's confinement.
As we did in the past, we'll talk about Farouk but also demand the release of all immigration detainees.
After the vigil, Tarek and Sharin will proceed to the cemetery where Farouk is buried. All who want to join them are welcome.
A note from Sharin and Tarek:
We are doing this as a tribute to the life of Farouk and his worthwhile
contributions to human rights and in defense of the rights of the
Palestinian people. Allah Yarhamouh!
Long live Palestine!
Sharin Chiorazzo and Tarek Abdel-Muhti

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