Protest Bush's Campaign to Increase AIDS
Nov. 7, 11 AM
Rally, March and Non-Violent Civil Disobedience in Washington DC
MacPherson Square at 15th and I sts
(MacPherson Square metro, Blue/Orange lines)
March to the Concerned Women for America (CWA)
March and Rally at the White House
Some people will engage in non-violent civil disobedience (CD) at the
White House.
Others interested in joining the CD are welcome to contact us in advance, or come to the training on Nov. 6.
Everyone is welcome to join the rally and march!
Sponsored by ACT UP New York, ACT UP Philadelphia, Community HIV AIDS Mobilization Project (CHAMP), Health GAP, and Student Global AIDS Campaign (list in formation)
Nov. 5, 8 - 10 pm:
Action Planning meeting,
National City Christian Church
5 Thomas Circle NW
(14th, M, Vermont, and Mass all cross there)

Nov 6, 9 am -11:30am and another from 11:30 to 2pm
Civil Dis- obedience training
1706 R St. NW (corner of 17th and R)
(Dupont circle stop on the red line - from there exit to Q st and take Q 2 blocks to New Hampshire. Make a left and walk up New Hampshire to R st. Make a right and SIECUS is at the end of the block on R st).
Congregate sleeping space and meals available through the Campaign to End AIDS if pre-registered
Religious right-wing insiders and the Bush Administration are dismantling HIV prevention efforts here and around the world. Join us as we hold the first ever C2IA awards ceremony, in which we will present "golden tombstones" to the right-wing leaders of the Campaign to Increase AIDS, for their work to actually increase HIV infection and death around the world.
We will also march and rally at the White House, followed by an optional non-violent civil disobedience action at the gates of Bush's residence.
This is a part of the day of affinity actions during the Nov 5-8 Campaign to End AIDS convergence in Washington, DC
As HIV infections continue to rage through our communities in the U.S., and AIDS destroys millions of lives globally, the Bush Administration is following the lead of the religious right's Campaign to Increase AIDS.
These groups are getting millions of taxpayer dollars to spread misinformation, block access to condoms and needles, and tosubstitute prayer for HIV prevention programs.
Abstinence-only-until-marriage programs discriminate against LGBT youth, spread gender stereotypes, and are rife with inaccuracies. These programs are controlled by legislation -- originally written by the [right-wing] Heritage Foundation -- that gags teachers from giving the real facts on HIV prevention, even for sexually active youth.
Global AIDS funds through Bush's PEPFAR program deny condoms to most sexually-active people and ignore the risks of HIV for youth, married women and other so-called "low risk" groups.
Concerned Women for America is paid by the Federal government for "anti-sex trafficking" programs, after leading passage of a ban on funding of groups around the world that help sex workers protect themselves from HIV.
CWA is part of a web of religious lobby groups that has mobilized their puritanical base to press legislators and the president for abstinence-only sex-ed and drug policies.
Other groups like the Traditional Values Coalition prepared "hit-lists" to attack HIV/AIDS prevention researchers studying transmission of HIV in the gay community, while backing poorly conducted research supporting abstinence-only education.
Join us as we confront these extreme right-wing groups and our government for their fake AIDS prevention efforts and expose the Bush Administration's use of public dollars to build patronage for future elections.
Transportation available from Philadelphia, New York City, Providence and other locations.
For more information, John Riley - 917-653-7267 or
email: N7action@gmail.com.
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