Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Is the Republican sex scandal pushing our constitutional crisis off the front page?

Is Karl Rove cheering former Rep. Mark Foley?

Jerry Politex (on Bush Watch) asks the question: Is the Republican sex scandal pushing the BushCo. attack on our Constitution off the front page? And how will this effect the upcoming election?

Rep. Mark Foley

One thing we know the U.S. corporate media are much more comfortable with sex and gossip than they are with serious political struggles. (If Paris Hilton was involved they'd be much happier.) This is just the latest episode in the Bill and Monica follies.

And to top off the GOP fantasy here's what Limbaugh and Denny Hastert had to say about the exposure of the scandal: (from MediaMatters for America)

"On the October 3 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Rush Limbaugh joined his guest, House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-IL), in suggesting that Democrats had orchestrated the ongoing scandal surrounding former Rep. Mark Foley's (R-FL) alleged communications with former congressional pages. Limbaugh asserted that 'these emails were planted by a liberal,' and Hastert claimed that Democrats 'put this thing forward to try to block' the Republican agenda. In fact, ABC News investigative reporter Brian Ross has refuted these claims, asserting that his sources for the Foley story -- to the extent they had partisan affiliations -- were Republicans."

One thing you can always rely on is that the current Republican puppet brigade will find a way to make a political disaster even worse (See War in Iraq).

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