Thursday, July 26th, 5-9 PM
Rally/Vigil at UN Dag Hammarskjold Plaza,
Bring your anti-war messages to the UN!
Rally with Cindy Sheehan and other speakers at Dag Ham Plaza,
then walk to the UN Mission for a Candlelight Vigil,
and then walk back to Dag Hammarskjold Plaza.
Friday, July 27, 5–9 PM
Launch of Orange Fridays as part of the Declare It NOW: Wear Orange! Campaign,
Union Square,
World Can’t Wait, Cindy Sheehan, Jonathan Tasini, Ret. Col. Ann Wright, Victor Toro,Councilmember Charles Barron, Rev. Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir, Elaine Brower, Carlos Arredondo, Sunsara Taylor, and local elected officials will speak and Declare their opposition to the Bush Regime.
Sunday, July 29th, Noon–6PM
Gather-in Of Hearts Festival, Central Park-the East Meadow
Artists invited! Open mic!
Bring your chairs, blankets, picnic games, food and family…to a fun filled day with Cindy Sheehan.
"Eyes Wide Open" memorial exhibit (NYS exhibit), and tabling;
speakers also from Granny Peace Brigade, singing by Raging Grannies, Vets for Peace, Military Families Speak Out-NYS chapter; CodePink NYC; Rev. Billy; "Filthy Rich for Fossella" from Staten Island.
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