Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Petition to stop SCOTUS nomination of Alito

I just received an important message from MoveOn.org. Bush has caved to pressure from the far right and nominated Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court. Alito is a notoriously [far right-wing]judge who has attacked workers' rights, womens' rights and civil rights for years.

Please join me in signing the emergency petition to our Senators, asking them to stand up for us and block this nomination.


"If confirmed, Alito could very well ... alter the balance of the court and push it dangerously to the right, placing at risk decades of American progress in safe- guarding our fundamental rights and freedoms."
–Sen. Ted Kennedy

President Bush has...made a selection to appease the far right-wing of the Republican Party."
–Sen. Barak Obama

"Last week after Harriet Miers withdrew her nomination, I asked the President: Who was in charge? Today, the President answered: the radical conservative right is in charge of this Administration."
–House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi

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