Monday, May 01, 2006

Israeli power over U.S. politics exposed

The role Israel plays in the de- velopment of U.S. foreign policy has long been masked, particularly by a compliant media. We still don't know how much of the bogus info in the lead-up to the invasion of Iraq came from Israel. Having been called a self-hating jew and an anti-semite for supporting the Palestinian struggle, I know how sensitive this issue is to many people. But it has finally been brought to center stage by an article "The Israel Lobby" by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt in the London Review of Books (23 March 2006), which as Philip Weis says, was "zinging around he world" this Spring.

Two things should be made clear. First, whether one supports Israel or the Palestininans is not a matter of anti-semitism in any way shape or form. That m yth is a result of very effective Israeli public relations. Criticism of Israel is not inherently anti-Jewish.
Second, the virtually uncritical relationship between U.S. politicians and the Israeli public relations apparatus (AIPAC) has become much closer under the Dick and the Bush.

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