Monday, July 30, 2007

Is the New York Times once again carrying the administration Iraq water?

If you were at all led to question your opposition to the escalation ("surge") of the war in Iraq by the op-ed piece in the July 30 New York Times by Michael E. O’Hanlon and Kenneth M. Pollack of the Brookings Institution, who bill themselves as opponents of the war who have been converted to the escalation by a recent [administration-sponsored] visit to Iraq, Don't let them (or the Times) fool you. They have never been critics of the war, but only of the Bush/Rumsfeld inadequate support for the invasion by not committing enough troops and force from the beginning.

You should read Robert Parry's Consortium News expose of O'Hanlon and Pollack.

Just remember the Times was an important part of the administration propaganda machine in the run-up to the 2003 invasion.

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