Friday, June 13, 2008

Is John McSame too old to be president or just not well enough informed?

According to Friday's (June 13) New York Post, John McSame claimed the use of terms like "out of touch" and "inconsistent" were examples of "ageism" being used as a weapon against him. The reference was to former presidential candidate and Obama supporter John Kerry's criticism of McSame's comments about Iraq in an interview with Matt Lauer on Wednesday's (June 11) The Today Show (see video below, Iraq comments at end of interview). What this silly dispute shows is that McSame and his people are a very tricky bunch. If the "ageism" accusation works, every time McSame says something dumb (and he seems to do that quite often), his campaign can get off the hook by crying "ageism." What, in fact, Kerry said was that McSame was "confused" when he again compared Iraq to Korea, Germany and Japan and "out of touch" with the American people on this issue. He clearly is both, but not because of his age. If anyone believes the very limited role U.S. troops play in Korea is anything like the occupation of Iraq, they maybe or may not be old, but they are certainly ignorant about the situation. It's also quite interesting that it's OK for McSame to accuse Obama of being too young, but not visa versa “I admire and respect Senator Obama,” McCain said, with his patented sarcastic laugh. “For a young man with very little experience, he’s done very well.” One last thought (for now) about McSame and "ageism:" If these claims are as effective as the Clintons' claims of sexism against the Senator - which have much more substance - it will all be a tempest in an oatmeal pot.

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