Thursday, March 05, 2009

On some early Watchmen reviews

I haven't seen Watchmen yet, but I have read the review by J. Hoberman in this week's Village Voice. It's at best a mixed review. Hoberman says: "Watchmen is neither desecratory disaster nor total triumph." "... director Zack Snyder has managed to address the cult while pandering to the masses." After noting that Snyder and his writers "slightly" changed the ending, he says: "Watchmen doesn't lack for self-confidence or even entertainment value. Its failure is one of imagination ... the filmmakers are unable to teleport themselves to the level of the original concept." He concludes in much the same vein: "For all its superficial fidelity, Snyder's movie stands Moore's novel on its head, trying to reconstruct a conventional blockbuster out of those empty capes and scattered shards."

Not promising but we'll see for ourselves.

A quite different review from Harry Knowles on his Ain't it Cool News site says:
I WATCHED THE FUCKING WATCHMEN AND FUCKING LOVED IT! It isn’t the perfect 5 hour wet dream that I always dreamt of, but I love it. I can’t wait to see the dialogue you all have with this film, with each other and with us here at AICN. This was fucking awesome!

1 comment:

Andrew Gael said...

Where are your thoughts on Watchmen?!?!?

The people want to know!