Thursday, March 17, 2005

Pro-bush propaganda at UNC-Wilmington

It seems that the Women's Resource Center at UNC-Wilmington has upset columnist Mike S. Adams, a contributor to a reactionary website called, by advertising a performance of the "Vagina Monologs" with, among other things, "Vagina" flashing in bright lights and distributing "pussy-pops," vagina-shaped lolypops, at the entrance to Kenan Auditorium and he says: "Several 'distinguished' members of our university community walked around licking the sex-organ-shaped treats in an apparent display of feminist empowerment." Heavens!
And, of all things, "before attending the play, attendees were handed a program, which listed skits to be performed." Hard to believe.
At one point he says: "Unbelievably, the brochure passed out at TVM claimed the following: 'Since the US occupation and regime change in Iraq, women have lost more freedom than they've gained.' Director Kathleen Berkeley continues the tradition of using the WRC to promote anti-Bush propaganda, even after the Kerry defeat."
It all seems to me much more like pro-bush rather than "anti-Bush propaganda."
Mr. Adams seems to have a problem spelling out "Pussy" and "cunt," but no difficulty with "coochie snorcher." sometimes, I guess, inconsistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.

He seems to also have trouble with the blind. The article is headlined: "Blind feminists find nuts, details at eleven," a reference to a saying in the body of the article: "Even blind squirrels occasionally find nuts." They certainly found a reactionary one this time.

He concludes by saying: "But, what do I know. I'm a happy man, without an angry vagina." Mr. Adams: I'd really worry more about your closed mind, than your private parts.

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