Sunday, February 19, 2006

Deadeye Dick and the Wasington press corps

Well the right-wing blowhards are foaming at the mouth about the press attention to Deadeye Dick's shooting. Here's Rich Lowry in the N.Y.Post:
"Let's stipulate that hunting accidents are bad things. Let's further stipulate that Vice President Dick Cheney should have immediately made public his accidental shooting of a friend while quail hunting, rather than waiting roughly 18 hours — the missing 1,080 minutes of the shooting scandal. None of that can account for the raving lunacy that has seized the Washington press corps in its treatment of the incident."

What do you think would "account for the raving lunacy that has seized the Washington press corps?" Oh yes, the president getting a blow job. Now there's something important, not the vice-president shooting someone.

Priorities! Priorities!

It's so hard to figure out what the right wing is going to thin k is important from administration to administration.

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