Wednesday, November 08, 2006

First thoughts on the Rumsfeld firing: The Buck stops anywhere but here

I just can't get my head around what difference firing Rumsfeld makes. Is there anyone who believes that it was him and not the Dick and the Bush who created the disaster in Iraq.

Check out Weldon Berger's take on the new guy, Robert Gates. It's worse than you thought.

In 1967, sociologist William J. Goode published an article "The Protection of the Inept" (American Sociological Review, Vol. 32, No. 1 (Feb., 1967), pp. 5-19) in which he argued that modern bureaucracies are designed to protect the people at the top, no matter how inept they are.

There doesn't seem to me that the firing of Rumsfeld is anything but the latest ploy to hold off any real change in the occupation of Iraq ("You have to give the new guy a chance.") and the protection of the Dick and the Bush.

Once upon a time we had
a president,
his name was Harry Truman and
(whatever his faults and they were many)
he had a sign on his desk that said, "The Buck Stops Here."

In the Bush White House The Buck always stops anywhere but in the president's lap.

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