Friday, October 03, 2008

Oct. 10: Emergency Town Hall: An Offer We Can't Refuse?: Progressives Respond to the Wall Street Crisis

We're still in Texas (Temple) but after that bizzare vice-presidential debate last Thursday and the Congressional approval of the taxpayer bailout of Wall Street here is something you should know about.

Friday, October 10, 7:00 pm

An Offer We Can't Refuse?: Progressives Respond to the Wall Street Crisis: An Emergency Town Hall

William Greider, Arun Gupta, Doug Henwood, Naomi Klein & Frances Fox Piven

Brecht Forum
451 West Street
(bt Bank and Bethune Sts)

Seats are limited. Click here for more info and to purchase tickets. We're making every effort to convince CSPAN to broadcast this event and we'll also be making the proceedings available for listening online. Watch this space for details.

Co-sponsor: The Nation

The 10 scariest words you’ll ever hear:
“I am from Wall Street and I need your money”

The recent dizzying events on Wall Street and in Washington have left many progressives feeling outrage, unease, and, frankly, bafflement. How dare Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, former CEO of Goldman Sachs (which raked in profits of $5.6 billion in 2005 under his watch), come to taxpayers with palms outstretched, demanding $700 billion with no strings attached? What should we make of the dire pronouncements that, should the people refuse the demands of King Henry and his courtiers on both sides of Congress, another Great Depression will be upon us? What are credit default swaps, anyway, and if they're worthless, why should we care? And what is the relationship between the crisis on Wall Street and the foreclosures and job losses gripping working-class communities across the country? To address these urgent questions and move toward a concerted progressive response, The Nation and the Brecht Forum are convening this emergency forum of leading left voices on economics and grassroots politics.

Sliding scale: $6/$10/$15

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