Friday, July 17, 2009

Wales: The last photo - With Martin, our driver and the bus.

This is the last photo taken in Wales. It's the whole group (minus a few early escapees) With Martin Harris (the only one with a tie), our driver for most of the two weeks, and the bus on which we spent most of our time .I apologize to anyone who's hidden behind someone else.


Anonymous said...

It's so cute! But you're not in it...

Anonymous said...

It's so cute! But you're not in it...

Contested Terrain said...

I know. But that's the penalty for taking the picture. Just for the record, I wish I had thought of it several days earlier. Then people, like Barbara, who deserve to be in it more than me, would have been in it. But as Ann says: "You can only think of things when you think of them."