Wednesday, August 03, 2005

"The War on Terror" is over for the Bush administration

The administration recasts "the war on terror" as the "Global Struggle Against Violent Extremism." General Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, explained all this to the National Press Club on Monday, when he said that
he had objected to the use of the term 'war on terrorism' before, because if you call it a war, then you think of people in uniform as being the solution.
The solution is more diplomatic, more economic, more political than it is military.
Indeed General. But has anyone told the President?

The fact was that in the immediate aftermath of Sept. 11, with an election to win, something dramatic had to be done to show that Bush was on top of the situation ergo: the invasion of Iraq and "The War on Terror." Neat, simple and dramatic. Easy for people tom understand during a presidential campaign.

Now as the polls show that the people of the U.S. have soured on the war against Iraq, and reports are that the Taliban is resurgent in Afghanistan and the statistics from Iraq become worse every day and with Congressional elections coming up next year, the Rove/Bush administration requires a new marketing slogan to take to the people, ergo: "a global struggle against violent extremism,"
Much better than the "War on Terror." It is long term, ideological, and allows the current occupants of the White House to bring the troops home without admitting a defeat in "The War on Terror." If "The War on Terror" no longer exists, how can it be won or lost?
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