Friday, July 08, 2005

Right-wing "Snake Oil" tour

Melanie Morgan, right-wing Bush groupie

According to the SF Chronicle:
Public support for the war in Iraq is plummeting at home and overseas, military recruiters aren't making their quotas, and U.S. soldiers and Iraqi civilians are being killed every day by insurgents.
But enough of the bad news, say a group of six conservative talk-show hosts led by San Francisco's Melanie Morgan.
They're headed to Iraq on Friday for a "Truth Tour" -- a seven-day trip designed to show that what's happening on the ground in Iraq isn't as dire as what's being beamed across the globe on network news programs and described in mainstream publications.
Critics like [Al] Franken say the Truth Tour is nothing more than propaganda from the well-oiled conservative media echo chamber. They call it a velvet- rope tour that aims to re-inflate sagging support for the Bush administration's Iraq policy.
(photo: SF Chronicle file photo, Chris Stewart)

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